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  • Study of pharmacy 2000 – 2006, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg
  • Doctoral thesis as part of the graduate college neuroscience, Freiburg, 2006-2009, Institute for experimental and clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, medical faculty University Freiburg

Professional Experience:

Since 2023 Senior Consultant SCRATCH Pharmacovigilance GmbH & Co. KG, Butzbach
2019 – 2022 Head of the Vigilance Competence Center in the department Global Vigilance at Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH in Oberursel with focus on operative Pharmacovigilance in the post-marketing setting; especially ICSR management; signal management; creation of periodic safety reports and risk management plans (RMPs) as well as support and monitoring of safety-relevant updates of product information texts; process-wise support of the pharmacovigilance database (LifeSphere Multivigilance – ArisGlobal) and conduct of end user database trainings; interim head of the Vigilance Competence Center in the department Global Vigilance at Fresenius Kabi Oncology in Gurugram, Haryana, India
2017 – 2018 Various positions at MEDA Pharma GmbH & Co. KG (a Mylan Company) in Bad Homburg in the area Medical Writing – Corporate Pharmacovigilance and Global Product Safety and Risk Management with focus on PSURs, RMPs and signal management as well as team lead.
2011 – 2016 Various positions at Pharmalex GmbH in Friedrichsdorf in the pharmacovigilance department
2009 – 2011 Case Management Specialist at Lilly Deutschland GmbH in Bad Homburg with focus on processing of case reports from clinical studies as well as from spontaneous reporting


  • Experience in all areas of pharmacovigilance with focus on the post-marketing setting
  • Leadership experience (up to 20 employees, international)
  • Budget responsibility
  • Experience in project management
  • Experience in communication with national and international regulatory authorities in the context of referral procedures, oral hearings, meetings with regulatory pharmacovigilance experts

About myself:

I love pragmatic and solution-oriented approaches; I believe that you are good in doing things that you enjoy – that’s why I let humour always be a part of me.
I am a 100% optimist and therefore recognise myself in the following quotation by Winston Churchill:

“An optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty; a pessimist sees a difficulty in every opportunity.”